Teacher: Donna Cantu
Grades: 9 – 12
Meets: TBD
Class Description: Learn about the foundation of our government and compare it to governments from around the world. We will delve into our constitution as well as the branches of government. Using this knowledge, we will try to pass a bill through congress and hold our own mock trial. Students will be assigned a political current events summary and analysis which will be weekly over each unit. This intensive class will earn students 1/2 credit for government.
Prerequisites: None
Maximum number of students: 12
Homework: Weekly two to three hours.
Cost: $240 which can be paid in two increments; one to be paid at the time of registration and the balance to be paid on the first day of class.
Supplies that the students should bring to class: Study guide for each unit which I will provide, as well as a writing instrument.