2026 Graduation

It’s time to organize THEO Graduation 2026! THEO Seniors is a graduation club formed to benefit THEO students who desire a traditional graduation ceremony. Graduation applications go live in February each school year, THEO Graduation Application will be accepted until the group is full or until May 1.
THEO Graduation Requirements
* Attend at least one yearlong class or equivalent at THEO your junior year.
* Attend at least one yearlong class or equivalent at THEO your senior year.
* Recommend attending the Graduation Informational Zoom meeting held in the end of January or early February.
* REQUIRED: THEO parent and student must attend the Required Graduation Zoom meeting in April for your application to be accepted. Signup to attend the 4/7/2025 from 5PM to 6:30PM – Click Here
* Apply and have your application and deposit turned in by 5/1 of your junior year.
* No more than three discipline records in our THEO Jupiter Grades system.  Priority will be given to those students without any disciplinary records.
The commitment to join THEO Seniors Graduation is significant.  If your family meets the qualifications above, please download and read the THEO Graduation Handbook.
Regardless of the headcount, applications will not be accepted after May 1st of the student’s JUNIOR year. Therefore, any family who applies after that time will not be able to join the group. FYI: If you need a graduation ceremony, consider the graduation ceremony offered through THSC.org.
The graduation fees are paid to the THEO Seniors club account established for the sole purpose of graduation. All decisions regarding graduation are performed by the committee and not the THEO Director.
Until the venue is set each year, the costs are not firm because venue prices can vary by significant amounts.
The fee to THEO Seniors for graduation is currently set at $400*.
*Please note the fees are non-refundable after joining the senior group.