¡Hola! I am a native Spanish speaker, born and raised in Cuba. I am married and have three lovely girls. With the help of God, I have been able to home school all three. My two oldest graduated from THEO and are now in college. Through home education, I had the opportunity to pass on my native language to my daughters. Homeschooling them helped me discover a passion for teaching.
Outside of our home, my first experience teaching was under the direction and guidance of THEO’s presigious Spanish teacher, Shari Schwarz. She fanned the flame of my desire to impact the lives of home schooled students with the gift of a second language. I have enjoyed stepping in as a substitute teacher for many THEO classes, and I am excited to begin teaching my own classes this year. Alongside fellow THEO Spanish teacher, Julie Smith, I am in the process of becoming certified as a TPRS (Teaching Proficiency through Reading and Storytelling) Teacher, and cannot wait to work with your students. It is going to be a fantastic year!