Donations Link

To support THEO with a donation via credit card, please visit our credit card site.

THEO Christian Solution, Inc. also accepts cash or check donations.  If you would like an in-person visit to learn more about THEO, please call 469-277-8775 to arrange a tour and meeting with THEO Director Terri Threadgill.

The THEO Board, staff and teachers all  strive to manage our resources as carefully and wisely as is humanly possible.  However, with the advent of the  COVID crisis, our expenses are exceeding income on a monthly basis.  Please pray about donating to THEO Christian Solution, Inc. this year.  Questions?  Please do not hesitate to call to arrange a meeting with our Director Terri Threadgill.  We have spent thousands to equip our facility with the highest level of technology so that our teachers are able to successfully navigate teaching in class students while allowing remote students to enter their classrooms from the comfort of their own homes.

Over the years, we predict this equipment will serve to expand our ministry to those outside of the North Texas Region!  Until then, we are committed to the highest level of teaching as is humanly possible in the midst of challenging circumstances.  If you cannot donate, please add us to your prayer list.  We covet everyone’s prayer support to our wise God who has orchestrated THEO’s days since 2006 in many miraculous ways!