Achievement Testing at THEO – 2025
- THEO will only offer the IOWA Achievement test the week of 05/19/25
- Dates are May 19-23, 2025
- The deadline to sign up is Monday, April 14, 2025.
- Effective a few years ago, THEO stopped offering achievement testing for families not associated with THEO due to a negative experience during the summer of 2015 when a non-THEO family pulled us into their custody battle. If you feel as if your family should be considered as an exception to this rule, then please email us at with your explanation. We apologize for this change as it has normally been a positive experience to meet non-THEO people in our building.
- Cost: $70 total for Iowa basic–which means we buy your test and administer it. OR $95 if you want your child to take the COGAT, which is an extra two hour test on Friday, May 23, 2025.
What is the COGAT? Only offered during May, the COGAT is two extra hours of testing which helps you understand the results of the IOWA Achievement test. This test will tell you whether your student who scored at the 90th percentile is performing at, above or below his/her capabilities. For instance, it might tell you that your student who scored in the 70th percentile is performing at his top capability.
Included in your $70 fee:
- 6-8 hours of testing in a familiar classroom with healthy protein snacks provided
- Testing will occur over two days with a short break each day to allow the student time to refresh.
- Cost includes the test itself plus an email of a link with the results from BJU
Testing Location:
Who Can Test? Home educated students who take 2024-2025 or 2025-2026 classes at THEO or who have siblings who take classes at THEO. Testing is only offered for grades 4-12. If your students do not currently take THEO classes, please apply for an exception to have your children tested if you feel as if you should be considered. Home educated students only: According to our contract with BJU, we cannot administer tests to students who attend the public or private schools.
Exam Proctor(s): Damien Graham with help from THEO staff (and other THEO teachers as needed if an emergency arises.)
You can visit to learn more about the IOWA Test. Each section of the IOWA test is timed and covers Vocabulary, Word Analysis, Listening, Reading Comprehension, Language, Math, Social Studies, and Science Sources of Information.
What if I need more time on the test? Exceptions to the time are allowed with proper prior approval. Please contact us if you would like to learn more about the time exception for your child.
How do I register? Complete the current THEO Testing Registration Form and pay your fee online.
Contact us at 469-277-8875 or if you have questions.
Non-refundable: Please conside your schedule and your child carefully before registering to test with THEO. We offer this as a service to serve our families who want annual testing. But we cannot offer a refund should you choose to register and then not have your child tested.